
Implement a Stack


Implement Stack in Java.

public class MyStack<E> {
	private static class Node<E> {
		E value;
		Node<E> next;
		public Node(E v, Node<E> n){
			value = v; next = n;
	private Node<E> head;
	private int size = 0;
	public void push(E e) {
		head = new Node<E>(e, head);
	public E pop() throws Exception {
		if(size == 0) throw new Exception("Empty Stack!");
		E e = head.value;
		head = head.next;
		return e;
	public E peek() throws Exception {
		if(size == 0) throw new Exception("Empty Stack!");
		return head.value;
	public int size() {
		return size;





    225.Implement stack using queues用队列实现栈【LeetCode单题讲解系列】


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