
LeetCode - LRU Cache


Design and implement a data structure for Least Recently Used (LRU) cache. It should support the following operations: get and set.

get(key) - Get the value (will always be positive) of the key if the key exists in the cache, otherwise return -1.
set(key, value) - Set or insert the value if the key is not already present. When the cache reached its capacity, it should invalidate the least recently used item before inserting a new item.






  • 根据键值查询hashmap,若命中,则返回节点,否则返回null。
  • 从双向链表中删除命中的节点,将其重新插入到表尾。
  • 所有操作的复杂度均为O(1)。


  • 将新的节点关联到Hashmap
  • 如果Cache满了,删除双向链表的头节点,同时删除Hashmap对应的记录
  • 将新的节点插入到双向链表尾部
public class LRUCache {
    private int capacity;
    private Map<Integer, CacheEntry> map;
    private CacheEntry head, tail;
    public static class CacheEntry {
        int key, data;
        CacheEntry prev, next;
        CacheEntry(int key, int data) {
            this.key = key;
            this.data = data;
    public LRUCache(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;
        this.map = new HashMap<Integer, CacheEntry>(capacity);
    public int get(int key) {
        CacheEntry e = map.get(key);
        if(e == null) return -1;
        linkNodeLast(e); //将e节点移动到链表尾部
        return e.data;
    public void set(int key, int value) {
        CacheEntry e = map.get(key);
        if(e != null) {
            e.data = value;
        } else {
            e = new CacheEntry(key, value);
            map.put(key, e);
        linkNodeLast(e); //将e节点移动到链表尾部
        if(map.size() > capacity) { //移除头节点
            CacheEntry oldHead = head;
            head = head.next;
            oldHead.next = null;
            head.prev = null;
    private void linkNodeLast(CacheEntry e) {
        if(e == tail) return; //如果要移动的节点就是尾节点,直接返回
        if(tail == null) { //tail为null的话,说明目前还没有插入数据
            head = e; //更新头节点
        } else {
            if(head == e) { //如果等于头节点,需要把头节点移动到尾部,并更新头节点
                head = head.next;
            if(e.prev != null) { //如果e本身就是头节点的话,prev为null,所以要判断一下
                e.prev.next = e.next;
            if(e.next != null) {
                e.next.prev = e.prev;
            tail.next = e; //将e节点放到链表尾部
            e.prev = tail;
            e.next = null;
        tail = e; //更新尾节点



public class LRUCache {
    private int capacity;
    private Node head, tail;
    private Map<Integer, Node> map = new HashMap<>();
    public static class Node {
        int key, value;
        Node prev, next;
        public Node(int k, int v) {
            key = k;
            value = v;
    public LRUCache(int capacity) {
        this.capacity = capacity;
        head = new Node(0, 0);
        tail = new Node(0, 0);
        head.next = tail;
        tail.prev = head;
    public int get(int key) {
        Node node = map.get(key);
        if(node == null) return -1;
        return node.value;
    public void set(int key, int value) {
        Node node = map.get(key);
        if(node == null) {
            node = new Node(key, value);
        } else {
            node.value = value;
        map.put(key, node);
        if(map.size() > capacity) {
            Node item = head.next;
            head.next = item.next;
            item.next.prev = head;
    private void linkNodeLast(Node node) {
        if(node.prev != null) {
            node.prev.next = node.next;
            node.next.prev = node.prev;
        node.prev = tail.prev;
        tail.prev.next = node;
        node.next = tail;
        tail.prev = node;




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