
Linux tmpfs


On Solaris /tmp is mounted swapfs and is it correct to put the eaccelerator files into /tmp/eaccelerator. You will have to remake the directory after a reboot.

In linux tmpfs can be used in the same way, either on /tmp or elsewhere.
See: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-fs3.html

My updated task is now.

On Ubuntu:

mkdir /var/tmp/eaccelerator
sudo chown www-data.www-data /var/tmp/eaccelerator
sudo mount -t tmpfs tmpfs /var/tmp/eaccelerator

In your php.ini, change this line to:


Now put it in your /etc/fstab:

tmpfs /var/tmp/eaccelerator tmpfs defaults 0 0

And restart Apache:
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

You now don't have to recreate the /var/tmp/eaccelerator directory after the reboot, and the tmpfs will automount.

If you are VERY clever, then you might copy the cached files off of the tmpfs when apache stops and copy the cached files back on when apache starts.

While tuning this I got a %75 decrease of page time and %80 decrease of memory usage. (I also had a database issue from the old perspective.php script)

My courses page takes 0.368522 secs and RAM: 3.9MB 

Your milage may vary,



From: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=63034




     tmpfs是Linux/Unix系统上的一种基于内存的文件系统。tmpfs可以使用您的内存或swap分区来存储文件。由此可见,tmpfs主要存储 暂存的文件。  优势 :  1、 动态文件系统的大小。  2、tmpfs 的另一个主要的好处...

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